Saint Gonsalo Garcia Saint Gonsalo Garcia, O.F.M. , (1556 – 5 February 1597) was a Roman Catholic Franciscan friar from Portuguese India, who died as a martyr in Japan and is venerated as a saint, one of the Twenty-six Martyrs of Japan so venerated. The first Indian born to attain sainthood was born in the western coastal town of Vasai, now an exurb of the city of Mumbai, he hailed from the town—then known as Baçaim in Portuguese, later Bassein in English—during the time the town was under Portuguese colonial rule. The festival of St. Gonsalo has come to be held on the first Sunday nearest to the neap tide following Christmas in Vasai. St. Gonsalo Garcia was born as Gonçalo Garcia in 1557. Documents in the Lisbon Archives (ANTT) describe Gonsalo Garcia as a ‘natural de Agaçaim ’ or ‘resident of agashi’ village in Bassein. His father was a Portuguese soldier and his mother a Canarim (pl. canarins), that was how the Portuguese called the inhabitants of the Konkan. This term...
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